Monday, August 3, 2015

I love Him.

July 13, 2015

Last Monday we had a SWEET district activity!  I talked with President Flores (my branch president) and Hugo Mercado (the branch secretary) and they helped us out with a SUPER BBQ that I put on for the district in the chapel.
We played an epic soccer game and then ate a TON of meat BERMEJEÑO style. Where you just grab the meet with your fingers right off the grill and eat the darn thing.  Yup.  We ate MEAT, and more MEAT for lunch.  Not any meat, but meat from Argentina (which is supposedly like the best in the world...)  I testify that it is!  So yummy.  I bought 6.5 kilos of meat, for 8 elders and 3 brothers.  Or like half a kilo for each of us:D  It was the best!
Tuesday we contacted probably 50 people.  Or like half of Bermejo.  It was productive in the end!
Thursday was our District meeting, we talked about the PMG principle of "How to Begin Teaching" from chapter 10.  It was good.   Like I have commented in the past, I want to work in the MTC after the mission - and I feel like having half of my district full of newbies, like I am already in the MTC!  It's dope!  (DOPE-A;) ) But seriously I have the best district in the world hands down.  I hope this transfer never ends!
Saturday I was blessed to baptize the Gareca family and Efrain.  Days like Saturday make it all worth it!  :)  Liliana Gareca is the best woman ever.  She reminds me so much of Mom!  She's been so happy and smile ever since she received a confirmation from the Holy Ghost that the Church is true.  She was counting down the days anxiously to be able to "be baptized in Christ's Church."  She knows it's His.  She already is serving and helping others with their callings, and already has a testimony of paying tithing and fast offerings.  She's changed me, and I feel like a more converted disciple.  In the baptismal pic of her family, I have my arm around her oldest son (Jose Armando) who hasn't been baptized yet, he rocks.  He accepted to listen to us tonight, and I am POSITIVE that he'll be baptized very soon too=)  Pray for him!
I know Christ Lives.  It's His Church.  His Work.  And if we participate we'll see His hand in it, and that same hand will mold us to become more like our Creator.
I love Him.
Èlder Bender

We had a legit activity last Monday, lots of meat!
Lunch with the best branch president ever!
                                                         It's cute dou.  Muy Peeerrddì

                                   The Gareca Family was baptized!  We love them, and Efrain.

                                           Elder Lozano is the best!  Tambièn Presidente Flores!

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