May 19, 2014
Hello everyone!What a great week I have had! =)
I love my companion Élder Brasher so much, he's the BEST! I am
learning so much from him, and TOGETHER we are learning so much from our Savior.
Wednesday night we had a short exchange with the Assistants and that was a great learning experience and we set three baptismal dates with the Ledezma family. They rock, AND this week they came to church=)
President Willard flew into Tarija and we had a leadership pow-wow
meeting. It was so epic and just packed with the Spirit. President
Willard is the Dumbledore of the Gospel! I love that now I will be
able to be in a lot more meetings with him. We learned a lot, and
applied those things the following days and finished up the week
really strong.
One highlight lesson from this week was when we taught our buddy
Danilo. He is a Urologo (don't know how to say it in English, but the
type of doctor that specialized in the prostate and colon and stuff
like that) Anyway, the dude is AWESOME! For being so educated, he's
so humble. Hes 33 and lives alone and is just a straight GENIUS!
It's really a different experience teaching someone who is so darn
intelligent. In Friday night my companion and I had already taught
him The Restoration and the Book of Mormon, and we really just wanted
to get in there and let the spirit drown the guy. We went in and said
very few words, let him teach us what he read from 2 Nephi 31, and
they the spirit came in so strong it was undeniable. Honestly one of
the most spiritually strong moments I have ever had in my life. We
invited him right then and there to pray and ask God if the Book of Mormon is
true. He asked, and then paused for like two minutes during the
prayer, we were all there in silence and the spirit was just burning
inside each and every one of us. After he closed the prayer he said
he feels a ¨undeniable sensation to act¨ He then accepted a baptismal
date for the 14th of June and came to church on Sunday.
I am learning so much guys it's insane! I am loving every minute of
it. I have been super busy with new responsibilities and haven't had
time to take ANY pictures, but I am hoping to send some next week.
I love you all!
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